Californian White Sage Smudge Stick
White Sage is an herb held sacred by Native Americans for hundreds of years. It has been used in rituals and ceremonies for centuries. Smudging is a cleansing ceremony used to help people, places or even objects get rid of negative energy or even bad spirits. It also cleans the air of bacteria.
Length: 11cm
Thickness: 2-3cm
Has 7 colour chakra dried flowers
Can be used up to three to five times.
View our full range of smudging tools
How to smudge
First place your intention (what you wish to achieve) Light your sage stick over your flame proof bowl or shell until a small flame has caught, then blow out until there is smoke. Walk around your home clockwise. Carefully using your hands or a feather to waft the smoke into all areas of your space. Once you are done you can leave it to smolder out on its own or gently brush the stick on a fire proof surface.
@helloindigohalo 10 Tips for Smudging your home #smudging #whitesage #smudging101 #housecleansing #negativeenergy #witchesoftiktok
Hendrien Liebenberg –
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